There’s lots to this story, most of which is better told in person so I can add appropriate dramatic emphasis. This story includes: the retelling of the classic horror story Dracula as a ballet, valet parking, canceled flights, a drawer (or two) of flatware, a door-chain, the feast of the transfiguration, and brief (but worth-it) reference to the Atlanta PD. Suffice it to say it’s a good story, one that culminates with this–my dear G. playing a moving version of Shine Jesus, Shine paired with one of my mama’s favorites: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.
It’s a beautiful arrangement, one that G. performs masterfully. Listen to this and be reminded that even as we head into Lent, a season of admitting our screw ups and our shortcomings, the light of Christ shines as strong as ever.
The picture is of my G. and his mama playing the piano together at Thanksgiving. SUCH A FUN DAY!
Listen here: Shine, Jesus, Shine
He’s amazing!
Love it! Thanks!
Absolutely beautiful. Did he compose this himself or can you buy the music?
You can buy it. I’ll ask who arranged it and pass it along to you!