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Happy Easter, dear friends!  Easter at Westfield this morning was glorious. The day started early with an Easter Sunrise service that was simply beautiful. The good folks over at Allen Hill Tree Farm in Brooklyn, CT have been hosting the service for years. We gathered in between their barns and out buildings and looked out over the ridge that surrounds Killingly.  We listened to John’s telling of the first Easter then sang hymns of praise and thanksgiving. Just as we finished the sun peeked over the farthest hill.  Was it cold? YES. I was finally able to put the long johns my choir at Loganville First gave me when I left.  But was worth it? YESYESYES.


Then it was time to swing by the church. The sign needed to be changed from “It is finished” to “Alleluia! Christ is Risen.” I needed to be sure the heat was switched on (it wasn’t). And I need to be sure our fishing line hadn’t snapped in the night.

Fishing line? Yep, that’s right. Fishing line. Lots of it.  I’m sure you remember our Lenten fabric installation.

No? Here’s a quick look:


After some scheming, figuring, and down-right dirty mathematics (not to mention more yards of fabric than I care to share), that turned into this:


After six weeks of our purple/black fabric cutting the space in half and looming over us like a gathering storm, the darkness was shattered by two striking rays of coral and peach colored fabric. At the center, a beautiful flowered cross.  Pots of tulips surrounded our (admittedly huge) pulpit.


The grape vine garland that took the place of our Christmas evergreen during Lent burst forth with flowers and greenery this morning.










And now, a word of thanks:

Thank you, good folks of Westfield Church for being willing to go with me on this. And a special thanks to Donna, Amanda, Richard, John, and Suzon who showed up Holy Saturday afternoon to meet their pastor holding a spool of fishing line and pointing to the balcony saying “I think we should run this between those two windows!” Thanks for not laughing in my face and for your patience with my….particular-ness.

Friends, Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen, indeed!


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