by Jon | Jul 4, 2016 | feat., visual worship |
When I first moved to Connecticut, my congregation wasn’t officially Open and Affirming. For the uninitiated, Open and Affirming (ONA) is an official designation within our denomination, the United Church of Christ, for congregations that welcome and affirm...
by Jon | Jun 5, 2016 | feat., visual worship, westfield |
Growing up, we had Fifth Sunday Night Sings. Every fifth Sunday, area churches would get together for a potluck and hymn sing. We’d eat all kinds of delicious food, then sing all kinds of beloved songs. It was a cherished way to spend time together with...
by Jon | May 18, 2016 | feat., installations, visual worship, westfield |
Pentecost is one of my favorite days in the church year. Here’s why: I love the color red (although green is my favorite); I love the story of the followers of Jesus not knowing what hit them and how everyone else thought they were drunk; and I LOVE Johnny...
by Jon | Mar 28, 2016 | feat., visual worship |
A little over six weeks ago, I told you all about our latest Lenten installation that featured giant, vertical words that represented the six sermon themes for the season. They were striking. Particularly on Maundy Thursday, when their silhouettes loomed over our...
by Jon | Feb 15, 2016 | feat., installations, visual worship |
Well, we made it to Lent, earlier this year than in years past it seems. And like most things church year related, it snuck up on me. Since I’ve been at Westfield, we’ve hung giant swaths of fabric across the sanctuary, effectively cutting it in half. It...
by Jon | Jan 31, 2016 | altarscapes, feat., visual worship, westfield |
We tried something new at Westfield this morning. Well, at least new to us. Instead of a sermon, I invited the congregation to wander around our sanctuary and into our narthex to eight prayer stations all created around a single theme: who we are called to be. We are...