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A Place at the Table

A Place at the Table

I love holy week. It’s  a time when we experience the whose span of human emotion. I really couldn’t choose a favorite part of the week, but I am particularly fond of Maundy (Holy) Thursday.  It’s on this night we remember Jesus’ offering of...
Lent 5C: Anointing

Lent 5C: Anointing

Y’all. Lent is catching up with me. So much to do before Easter which, my friends, is only two weeks away.  Two weeks. So this week, as I was scrolling through the photos I took during my Lenten altarscape planning session a while ago, I was glad to be reminded...
Baptism of the Lord

Baptism of the Lord

This Sunday, January 13th, is the the celebration of the Baptism of Lord.  Originally celebrated on Epiphany along with the wedding at Cana, the commemoration was later separated out to it’s own day to highlight the significance of Christ’s baptism. In...