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Sermon at Westfield for Sunday, May 1st. Based on Acts 16: 9-15. Today, I want to talk about Acts—the book that follows John in our New Testament writings. You could think of Acts at Luke, part 2. It was written by the same guy, Luke, who was an historian who prided...
The One about Harry Potter, Jesus, and Temptation

The One about Harry Potter, Jesus, and Temptation

Scripture: Luke 4:1-13 Since Lent is a season of repentance and the first step in repenting is confessing—admitting that we’ve screwed up, I have a confession to make. During the second week of the New Year, I watched every Harry Potter movie—all eight of them. That’s...
On Being the Body, Boldly

On Being the Body, Boldly

Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31, Luke 4:14-21 There were problems in Corinth. The church Paul founded there was soaking in conflict. One of the main issues at hand was glossolalia.  More commonly, we call it “Speaking in tongues. Some of the members were speaking...