by Jon | Mar 28, 2016 | feat., visual worship |
A little over six weeks ago, I told you all about our latest Lenten installation that featured giant, vertical words that represented the six sermon themes for the season. They were striking. Particularly on Maundy Thursday, when their silhouettes loomed over our...
by Jon | Feb 15, 2016 | feat., installations, visual worship |
Well, we made it to Lent, earlier this year than in years past it seems. And like most things church year related, it snuck up on me. Since I’ve been at Westfield, we’ve hung giant swaths of fabric across the sanctuary, effectively cutting it in half. It...
by Jon | Feb 15, 2016 | feat. |
Scripture: Luke 4:1-13 Since Lent is a season of repentance and the first step in repenting is confessing—admitting that we’ve screwed up, I have a confession to make. During the second week of the New Year, I watched every Harry Potter movie—all eight of them. That’s...
by Jon | Mar 16, 2015 | feat., sermons |
I preached this sermon on Sunday, March 15 at Westfield. Before you read it, read the scriptures of the day from Numbers and John I want to love light. I want to bask in it, to feel its warmth. I want to walk paths illuminated by it. I want to reflect it. And the...
by Jon | Mar 8, 2015 | feat., sermons |
This sermon’s title and theme was inspired by Westfield’s Minister of Music who chose Mark Miller’s Draw the Circle Wide as a song for today. We ended the service circling the sanctuary singing to one another: “Draw the circle, draw the circle...